When your heart aches

Sometimes, what a relationship requires is nothing short of a total transformation. This might mean anything from a radical shift of worldview to a new set of daily habits or a different way of dealing with emotions. Because we are creatures of habit, a total transformation is a difficult prospect. This is where Actual Counselling can assist you.

If you love your partner, but can’t quite seem to make your relationship into what it should be, help is only a phone call away.

We will provide you with tools and guidance to:

  • Let go of your grudges

  • Let go of the desire for revenge

  • Let the cycle of retribution stop in your relationship—let it be ended with forgiveness and love

When relationships are in crisis

When things aren’t going well at home, it can feel like there’s no peace in your life. The one person in the world who should be your refuge isn’t, and this can absolutely take away your sense of peace. This is when you need to seek help. Contact a counsellor who has empathy and understanding, who has a holistic approach to address the marital problems.

The knowledge of exactly what is wrong in your relationship may not be enough to save it. Sometimes, the divide can grow so wide and so deep, that it takes a miracle to bring the two of you back together. We need to dive into the core of the problems and focus on questions like: How did I get here? What was my contribution? Then we can forgive and move on. Forgiving will set you free.

Difficult times:

A prayer is an act of surrender because you are professing your faith in a higher power and you trust that this higher power will lead you toward the highest good for all. I am sharing some prayers I used when I was going through the most difficult times in my life. There are no rules when it comes to praying to a higher power. You are free to refer to it as The Universe, God, Inner Guide, or any name that resonates with you.

  1. Universe, I’m ready to surrender my judgment. I welcome the presence of love to guide me back to truth and grace.

  2. Thank you, Universe, for helping me heal this. I forgive this thought, and I choose to see love instead.

  3. I surrender the false perceptions I have placed upon myself. I forgive these thoughts and I know that I am love.

  4. Universe, I release my fear and I am ready to choose love instead.

  5. Thank you, Universe, for guiding me to perceive this fear through the eyes of love.

  6. Universe, help me see beyond my limitations. Expand my perceptions so that I can return to love.

  7. Thank you, Universe, for helping me see this obstacle as an opportunity. I will step back and let you lead the way.